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39 Positive Quotes That Will Put A Smile On Your Face

A list of positive quotes and happy quotes to cheer you up or make you giggle

Am I the only one that gets overwhelmed by alerting titles on paper or social media? I wish one day we will have a “happy news” section only for the good things.

Sometimes we need positivity to dilute the stress and intensity of everyday life. Or you can say, to create a breathing room. Here’s what I do when a bad day hits me hard:

  1. Write down 3 things I do lately that I’m proud of
  2. Visit the r/MadeMeSmile on Reddit for uplifting posts
  3. Watch hilarious cats pranking human on YouTube
  4. Read through a bunch of positive quotes

With that said, will binge-reading positive quotes magically solve all problems?

NO. But having a positive attitude is like releasing the hand brake. Your eyes are wide open and mind enlightens; everything is smoother.

So here is a list of happy and positive quotes I collect or write as self-reminders. And maybe they will put a smile on your face too. Start the day with the happy vibes!

Positive quotes to bring happy vibes

Positive quotes to bring happy vibes

I hope there are days when your coffee tastes like magic, your playlist makes you dance, strangers make you smile, and the night sky touches your soul.
– Brooke Hampton

Happiness looks gorgeous on you.

Here’s your cup of positivi-tea.

Here’s your cup of positivi-tea.

You are your happy place.

A good day is more like 80% Wow and 20% Meh. You can handle the Meh.  - Emma Xu

A good day is more like 80% Wow and 20% Meh. You can handle the Meh.
– Emma Xu

A LITTLE BETTER than yesterday is a huge achievement.

What makes you happy doesn't need to make sense to others

What makes you happy doesn’t need to make sense to others

Be happy. It drives people crazy.

Be happy. It drives people crazy.

When you are passionate about the things you do and truly love your life, you have no room for drama and bitterness. 

When things change within you, things change around you.

This positive quote may be cliché, but it points out the truth that your mindset matters. Things don’t get easier, but when you vibrate on a high level, you get stronger.

Do something today that will make you say, “I’m glad I did it” in 10 years.
– Emma Xu

Live your life and forget your age.

Make your life so incredible that no number can identify it.

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.
– Oprah Winfrey

Smile even when you don’t want to. That changes everything.
– Emma Xu

You don’t need to figure everything out in a day.

The key to finding happiness in everyday life is to live in the moment. Note down your 5-year plan on paper, start doing the first thing on the list and stop thinking about the rest. Remember, slow progress is still progress.

The secret of having it all is believing that you already do.

When you can't find sunshine, be the sunshine.

When you can’t find sunshine, be the sunshine.

Be the change you want to see.

When life shuts a door, open it again. That's how doors work.

When life shuts a door, open it again. That’s how doors work.

A funny but positive quote if you feel like the door is slammed on your face. 

A small seed can grow into a big tree with just sunshine and water. So can you.
– Emma Xu

Focus on the things that still matter in 5 years.

You can be upset about office gossips, deadlines and terrible traffic. But just know that they don’t last and shouldn’t take up your time and attention. Put your mind to things and people on your level.

Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.

Everything will be ok in the end. If it’s not ok, it’s not the end.

So many people love you. Don’t focus on the ones who don’t.

Read also: 46 Love Yourself Quotes To Carry You Through Tough Times

We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us.
– Charles Bukowski

You don't decide how people around you behave. But you can decide who gets to stick around.

You don’t decide how people around you behave. But you can decide who gets to stick around. 

Be selective about who you devote your energy to. You are the CEO of your life. Hire and fire accordingly.

Nobody is you, and that’s your superpower.

Always say no to those who want to put you in a mold. You are not a barbie. Your strengths, vulnerabilities, talents, and flaws altogether make you special.

Tiny victories are like gems scattered on your journey. Notice them.
– Emma Xu

You don't need a reason to do what makes you happy

You don’t need a reason to do what makes you happy, choose what is best for you, and let go of what no longer serves you.
– Emma Xu

Be that kind of soul that makes everybody feel like somebody.

Read also: 43 Kindness quotes to sprinkle everywhere

Positive affirmations and mantras

Professional silver-lining seeker - Positive quotes, affirmations and mantras to cheer you up

Professional silver-lining seeker

I am an adorable badass.

Good things are coming.

Happiness is a choice. - Positive quotes, affirmations and mantras to cheer you up

Happiness is a choice.

My salt is expensive. I don’t have it for half-ass people.

It's a good day to have a good day. - Positive quotes, affirmations and mantras to cheer you up

It’s a good day to have a good day.

My glow is unignorable. - Positive quotes, affirmations and mantras to cheer you up

My glow is unignorable.

Happiness is my priority.

Start, and I'm halfway there. - Positive quotes, affirmations and mantras to cheer you up

Start, and I’m halfway there.

I chase goals, not people. - Positive quotes, affirmations and mantras to cheer you up

I chase goals, not people.

I am happy the way I am now. - Positive quotes, affirmations and mantras to cheer you up

I am happy the way I am now.

Which of these positive quotes speak to you?

Share your favorite one on Instagram to spread the happy vibes! Don’t forget to tag us at @_ourmindfullife!