A list of funny Aquarius memes that will make every Aquarian feel attacked
Aquarius are not just a bunch of weirdos. Their intelligence and uniqueness make them one of the most interesting signs.
If there is an army formed by all 12 zodiac signs, Aquarius will be the scout, using their intuition and courage to lead the path.
Though seemingly detached, Aquarians are attracted to witty and smart people. If you are a friend with Aquarius, consider it a compliment!
If your birthday falls between January 20 and February 18, you are an Aquarius sun. And these Aquarius memes may speak your mind.
Read also: Truth about Aquarius: 42 Witty Aquarius quotes from Celebrity Aquarians
Aquarius memes that to attack every Aquarian
How Aquarius handles fake know-it-all

Think twice before you ask

Previous relationships? Mental struggles? You may want to avoid those questions with an Aquarius. Emotional intimacy
They believe what they choose to believe

They may not say it, but they need it

Aquarius are passive aggressive in seeking validation. They may not show it, but you’d better know it.
Beneath the calm exterior

How to deal with dumb friends

As much as Aquarius love their friends, they still want to know how their brains function differently.
What Aquarians love

Aquarius are big fans of unconventional ideas and spontaneous plans. They are the ones who will find new conspiracy theories out of conspiracy theories.
Big heart on one condition

Aquarius have a bad rap of being cold-hearted. But they care about social justice and can’t see people suffer. They are often involved in charity and volunteer work.
Do they even exist?

Read also: 7 Subtle Signs Aquarius Like You More Than A Friend
Aquarius on a first date

Anything that comes too easy won’t last long, and Aquarius are too smart to miss this fact.
Too rare

Aquarius in a relationship

Aquarius be like

Not in the mood for selfie

What’s keeping Aquarius up at midnight

Before going into a meeting

When being asked to stay

Aquarius getting a new look

When someone is talking about the weather

Aquarius finding their dream job

No surprise

An Aquarius meme 2020

Better get my money ready

Aquarius are up for new gadgets, new projects and new people. Not necessarily thrill-seeking, but Aquarius are definitely pioneering.
When someone is getting attached too early

How original

Dealing with surprise visits

Can people be more innovative?

They don’t play by the rules. They play by their rules.
Aquarius decorating their home like

Two things that Aquarians can’t stand

Stupidity and selfishness. Good job, man, on hitting both of them.
Are they cold or not?

Aquarian’s struggles

Don’t say it.

They are already mad.
You won’t know unless you try

Aquarius are pioneers for a reason. They know they are right even when they are told otherwise.
Mission Impossible

You have to be patient, like really really patient for an Aquarian to open up.
They need both

Aquarius jumping to new tasks like

Do you agree with these Aquarius memes?
Tell me what you think Aquarians. Do these Aquarius memes speak to you? If they do, share this post and let your friends rate how much of an Aquarian you are!
For more astrology memes:
Monday 6th of March 2023
Why are these so true? Have you been stalking me, ourmindfullife? Lol
Friday 16th of December 2022
Exactly perfect matched to me
Sunday 11th of December 2022
Lol totally
Saturday 22nd of June 2024
@DevilBlu, so true like to true
Sunday 23rd of October 2022
yes all r right
Wednesday 18th of May 2022
All true!!! 🤣🤣🤣