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21 Gentle Reminders For When Life Gets Overwhelming

You can’t escape from life’s challenges. But you can rise up to them with a smile. These gentle reminders will help you do that.

If you are feeling impossible to keep up with your life, you are not alone. The news on TV, endless posts on social media, and the tasks at work and home can all stress you out. Not to mention all the new changes in your personal life and the world.

And it can be even more overwhelming during life transitions, whether it’s graduation, launching a new job, or having a baby.

Since 2020, many of us have been navigating through the new normal while trying to stay sane.

But luckily, there are many ways to cope with stress and overwhelming situations. And to make you feel grounded again, here is a list of gentle reminders. They will help you take a step back, relax and remind you what’s truly important.

Gentle reminders to navigate through stress

There are years that ask questions and years that answer.

There are years that ask questions and years that answer.

When you feel confused, you may question yourself, your decisions, and your actions. And this quote from Zora Neale Hurston is what you need to hear. Trust the timing of your life. And one day, when you look back, all the sufferings and struggles will all make sense. 

Apologize for your mistakes, not your feelings.

Apologize for your mistakes, not your feelings.

Here is a gentle reminder for everyone: there is nothing wrong with feeling how you feel. We all have our insecurities, fears, and worries. And if you are called dramatic or emotional because you express your feelings, you are with the wrong crowd.

We often feel embarrassed about crying and potentially being a burden. But those who genuinely care about you validate your emotions. They understand that your feelings are part of who you are. And when you learn to be your best friend and start honoring your feelings, life will be much easier.

You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.

You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.

With changes and new challenges each day, it’s easy to feel powerless. But you don’t have to stay on top of everything. The more you try to control, the less control you’ll actually have.

Instead, trust your ability to adapt to different situations. The challenges can also be a great chance to build resilience. Once you stop asking yourself to be in control, you will stress less and be more mindful.

Never underestimate the power of deep breaths and coffee.

There are good days and bad days. If your day has been rough, take a few deep breaths, have a cup of coffee, and channel your inner strength. You can do this.

If it's out of your hands, it deserves freedom from your mind too.

If it’s out of your hands, it deserves freedom from your mind too.

You don’t decide what happens in life, whether it’s your career, family, or relationships. But you can control how you respond to them.

So instead of stressing over things you can’t control, let it go and embrace the unknown with a positive mindset. This way, you can cope with ease and flexibility.

Sometimes rest is the most productive thing you can do.

If you are experiencing frustration or brain fog, it might be a sign of burnout. Remember that you are not a robot, and you need time to relax and rejuvenate.

The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted.

If you are a workaholic, one of the gentle reminders for you is that you are not alive just to fill your responsibilities. Your mental well-being, passion, and hobbies matter, too.

Hobbies play a significant part in your mental health. When life’s overwhelming, taking time to do things you love will help you stay grounded and find your purpose again. Not sure where to start? Give these relaxing hobbies a try.

Take as long as you need until you are you again.

Take as long as you need until you are you again.

Life is a marathon with no clear route. And it’s inevitable to get lost and feel tired. So take the time you need. Explore your direction through trial and error.

And most importantly, treat yourself with patience and kindness because you are your best guide on this journey.

You can do anything, but not everything at the same time.

You can do anything, but not everything at the same time.

If you suffer from chronic fatigue, it’s time to take a step back and see what’s on your plate. Are you taking on multiple roles at work and at home? Are you biting more than you can chew?

We often glorify busy-ness because we attach our worth to our personal achievements. But there are better ways to get things done than multitasking, which is a source of stress and distractions.

So focus on one thing at a time. If you can’t avoid certain tasks, prioritize and delegate. Give yourself enough time to tackle them one by one.

Someone out there feels better for your existence.

You never know who is touched by your kindness and compassion. Your smile, a pat on the back, or words of encouragement may brighten someone’s day. And that’s the difference you make that you may have neglected.

When there's no time for self-care is when self-care is most needed.

When there’s no time for self-care is when self-care is most needed.

The time you spend on taking care of yourself is well invested. And self-care doesn’t have to be a fancy routine. It can be as simple as listening to soothing music or giving yourself a gentle massage.

Simple and practical self-care ideas like these give you a breather and remind you of the love you deserve.

You can start late, look different, be uncertain and still succeed. 

This gentle reminder from Misty Copeland is for everyone. There are many routes to success. Even if you start at a different time or take a different path, you will still get there.

So have faith in yourself, especially when life gets overwhelming. Put in consistent effort, and one day, it will pay off.

The things that bury you may also be the soil where you bloom.

The things that bury you may also be the soil where you bloom.

All the challenges and adversities are preparing you for something better. Hang on there.

You can start over as many times as you need.

Failures and setbacks are valuable lessons to learn. And the skills and experience you accumulate will take you closer to your goal.

You deserve the love and attention you have been trying to give others.

Because you are your first, last, and most important love.

Not everything you tell yourself is the truth.

Sometimes you can be your worst enemy. When you keep telling yourself, “I can’t” or “I am not good enough for this,” your subconscious mind takes it in and paralyze your action.

But what you tell yourself is not necessarily true. You don’t know what you are capable of. So talk to yourself like your best friend. Give her encouragement when she feels down and compliments when she wins. Be courageous enough to challenge your limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging thoughts.

Don't miss out on something that could be amazing just because it could also be hard.

Don’t miss out on something that could be amazing just because it could also be hard.

Have you skipped on opportunities because they seem out of your reach? If so, this gentle reminder is for you.

You never know how high you can climb if you give up at the bottom of a mountain. And you will miss the scenery at the peak. 

So be brave enough to try. Even if you can only reach half of your way up, you still gain strength and prove yourself.

You are not lost; you are redirecting.

You are not lost; you are redirecting.

Life is not always moving in the direction you desire. And that can make you feel stuck, confused, and unmotivated. However, the first step to getting out of the rut is to stop trying to do so.

This gentle reminder may seem counterintuitive. But when you force yourself to find a direction as soon as possible, you may jump onto something that isn’t the right fit for you.

Instead, try to be “productively lost.” Write down your thoughts, explore the possibilities and document your progress. This strategy will be especially helpful when starting a new business, looking for a new job, or pivoting in general. 

Treat this period of your life as a redirecting process and make the most out of it.

Focus on improving yourself, not proving yourself.

Focus on improving yourself, not proving yourself.

Because your results will do all the talking for you.

Growth is uncomfortable because you’ve never been here before.

This gentle reminder from Kristin Lohr reveals the truth about personal growth. Places out of your comfort zone are scary. But that’s where you will find a stronger, better, and wiser version of yourself.

Sometimes new beginnings are disguised as painful endings.

Sometimes new beginnings are disguised as painful endings.

Some endings are worth celebrating, such as those of toxic relationships or jobs that don’t fit you. They free up your space for better things and people.

Some endings are painful, especially when you are kept in the unknown and they hit you unexpectedly. But that’s where you learn to heal yourself and grow your mental strength.

So for those that need to end, let them end. Let the past be your stepping stone to the next level of your life.

Which of these gentle reminders resonate with you?

I hope these quotes help bring you confidence and peace. Let me know in the comment which of these gentle reminders relates to you the most.