What are your pet peeves according to your sign? What to NOT do in front of each sign? Here is what will make each zodiac sign angry.
What makes each zodiac sign angry?
Aries (March 21 -April 19)
Making them wait
Being patient is not what Aries people are good at. They do everything fast and won’t let others holding them back.
If you want to see how angry Aries can be, make them wait. Make them waste their time waiting for you to show up or to text back. Or go back and forth before you make plans with them. They are patience-limited, and before you know, they are cutting off the procrastinators in their life.

Ignoring them
Not all Aries are attention-seeking. But they do need to feel respected when they speak. They always try to keep their words brief and informative.
But if you manage to ignore them over and over again, they may never want to share their thoughts with you anymore.
Being talked over
One thing you don’t do with fire signs is to talk over them or cut them off mid-sentence.
It’s not only disrespectful. It also proves that you are not listening. And it could piss off the fire signs like Aries.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Disrupting their plans or schedule
Taurus is a fixed sign. And Taurians hate changes. Last-minute arrangements like work parties, meetings will really get on their nerves. They need time and often a long time to be mentally prepared. And it’s for the best not to challenge their flexibility.
Wasting money
It’s not a myth that Taurus love money. They also love spending, but only on things that they deem worthy.
Let’s not forget, Taurus loves to treat themselves, but they are also practical. You can irritate them by trying to sell them things they don’t need.

Read also: 5 Toxic Traits Of Taurus That Scare People Away
Gemini (May 21 – June 21)
Repetitive tasks
Gemini people have two souls in one body. And they operate at a 200% capacity. It’s their nature to explore new things, take on new roles and meet new people.
And they get bored really easily. If they have to deal with mundane tasks daily, such as making the same calls, writing the same reports, or handling the same people, it could make them question their existence.

Being lectured
I get it. There are a lot of things Gemini do that might come as odd or even offensive. And some people think of them as two-faced and inconsistent.
But lectures don’t change a Gemini. They could bring out the worst of them and push them to do the exact opposite.

Gemini is a sign of communication. They are talkative, and they need voices or music playing in the background to keep their sanity.
If you want to drive Gemini mad, trap them in a room and not talk to them for 30 minutes. You will either see them scratching their heads or summoning their 16 different personalities for a tea party.
Cancer (June 22 – July 22)
Everyone knows Cancer is a sign of emotion. Cancerian is called the moonchild for a reason. Their feelings are like the moon with tides that come and go. And that’s why they can’t understand emotionless people.
If you show no empathy when they bring up something sad, like the loss of a pet, they will categorize you as one of the evil. They might not act furious, but they will soon distance themselves from you.
Criticizing their emotions
This one is worse than being emotionless. Cancerians don’t always show their vulnerable side. And when they do, they expect others to be there for them instead of making fun of them.
If you can’t understand their ever-changing mood, stay supportive. Don’t call them crybabies or mock them. Trust me. They have enough to deal with already.
“Just be happy”

Telling a moody Cancer to be happy is like telling an asthma patient to breathe in the air floating around. Not helping.
Read also: 33 Funny Cancer Memes That Reveal The Untold Truth Of Cancerians
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Back-talking is always annoying, especially to the Leo zodiac sign. It’s ok if someone has a point to make that might be different than theirs. But if people disagree with them on everything or cut them mid-sentence, it could turn them into the rage mode.
Being told what to do

The symbol of Leo is a lion, the king of the jungle. And by nature, the sign needs to be in dominance. They are the ones who decide what others should do, not the other way around.
Calling them out in public
An evolved Leo can be understanding and patient. But still, Leo would die to protect their pride.
For Leo, public confrontations and accusations equal humiliation. And what you get might not be an apology or an explanation. Rather, they will leave offended and never come back.
Read also: 5 Toxic Traits Of Leo That Scare People Away
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Messing with their things
Virgo are clean freaks by nature. I have a Virgo friend that labeled his pantry items and organized them in alphabet order. They put their heart into keeping their space neat and tidy.
So if you want to make Virgo angry, touch their stuff without asking. They will give you a fake smile and never let you get close to them again.

Unrealistic promises
Some people may think Virgo are pessimists. But in fact, they are just realistic and practical.
According to Virgo’s logic, what is too good to be true is probably not true. They can’t stand unrealistic promises that don’t make sense.
For example, a superior may tell Virgo if they work hard, they will earn enough to retire in 3 years. However, people that are already working there are apparently struggling with their finances. It would raise a major red flag for Virgo.

So if you want to befriend the sign, it’s better to stay honest and tell them the facts. Or they will find out anyway.
Google before you ask Virgo how to change the font of a document. They don’t expect everyone to be savvy. But they do believe that one should be able to cover simple tasks. The sign would run out of patience quickly when they have to teach the basics over and over again.
Read also: 39 Relatable Virgo Quotes That Every Virgin Need To Know
Libra (September 23 – October 23)
Judgmental people
Libra have no problem with opinions – they have problems with those who have opinions on everything.

Nothing seems to satisfy the judgmental people. From the traffic, the room temperature, to Lisa’s new hairstyle. They have something to complain about on everything and everyone.
And as a sign that values peace and harmony, judgmental people could really get on Libra’s nerve.
Being left out
Libra are social butterflies. Wherever they go, whatever they do, they always have company. The personal connection makes them feel alive. That’s why it pains them to be left out. The loneliness and self-doubt could make them go nuts.
One-sided relationship
Libra is represented by the Scale. The sign values balance and equality more than anything, especially in their relationship.
If one is only taking but not giving, it could be a sign of a one-sided relationship. If Libra don’t get the love or care in return, they will walk away.

Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)
Lie to them or break a promise
Scorpio have zero tolerance for liars. When they catch you lying to them or cheating on them, you are canceled in their life.
They are the most loyal people in a relationship, and they expect the same level of commitment. If you are unable to give them what they need, stay away.

Personal questions
Scorpio is a secretive sign. Scorpions prefer to keep their circle small and their life private. That’s why they may get angry when strangers ask them overly personal questions.
If you meet Scorpio only a few times, it’s better not to ask them, “why did you break up with your ex?” or “how much do you make?” These questions are offensive for the sign. And it’s better to resist your urge to prying and think before you ask.
Showing off
Scorpio’s ruling planets – Pluto and Mars, give them a competitive nature in undercover. Scorpions are not known as aggressive. But it lights the fire inside them when they see someone acting like he’s better than everyone.
That’s why egoistic people can really irritate Scorpio. When they see someone talk about how much they make or flex their Rolex around, Scorpio’s first reaction is “Really?” If you want to befriend or date Scorpio, you’d better leave your ego at the door.

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)
Overly emotional people
It’s not easy to piss Sagittarius off because they are one of the most friendly signs. But they couldn’t bear those who rain on their parade. Sagittarius can be your friend, but they are not your emotional dumpster.

Restrictions and control
An underdeveloped Sagittarius may seem childish and reckless. But most Sagittarius just don’t care what others think of them. They are independent and know what they are doing.
If someone tries to tie them down and take their freedom away, they will rebel. Nothing annoys them more than being asked to play by someone else’s rules.

People who can’t take a joke
Life is better with Sagittarius. The sign has the power to light up the room. They are fun, witty and they make people laugh.
But they can’t deal with people who are serious about everything. Most of the time, they make light-hearted jokes with good intentions. If you can’t bear their humor, you might never hear from them again.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Capricorn couldn’t stand petty people. People that are born under the Capricorn sign always aim high. They are practical and skilled problem-solvers. In a word, they have bigger fish to fry.
Petty people, on the other hand, love to overreact over minor things. They may complain about the weather or the traffic. A tiny inconvenience gets on their nerves. And for Capricorn, these behaviors are not just annoying but also childish.
People who ask for advice but don’t listen
Caps think through everything they say before saying it. And this is particularly true when they give advice. They stand behind their words.
That’s why it could hurt them when people are not taking their words seriously. The say-what-you-say-but-I-still-do-the-same attitude could piss Caps off. If you are not ready for honest opinions, don’t even ask them.

Distracting them when they try to work
When Capricorn say they are trying to focus, they mean it. They close the emotion curtain around them and put a “do not disturb” sign on their forehead. So if you spot Capricorn working, it’s better to leave them alone.
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Clingy people
Not all Aquarius are distant and cold. But they do need room to breathe. That’s why they can’t stand overly-attached people.
Aquarius as a partner may not keep texting you back and forth. But it doesn’t mean they don’t care. They need a break from reality now and then. The more you try to control them, the further they drift away.

Aquarius believe everything is possible. They are eager to learn new things and explore new areas. That’s why most of their friends are open-minded individuals with various interests and talents.
Self-absorbing people
Of all zodiac signs, Aquarius are born advocates. You will often see them actively engaged in charity or on the frontline of social movements.
They care about equality, poverty, the environment, animal rights, etc. And they don’t understand those who only see themselves. There is so much more to care about in the world. Why would someone obsessed over their body or relationship so much?
Being copied
Aquarius people are creative, and they value originality in their work. Copycats don’t survive in the circle of Aquarius. Whether it is duplicating their look or stealing their ideas, it could push Aquarius’s buttons.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
“it’s all in your head.”
Pisces are undoubtedly overthinkers. But words like “it’s all in your head” or “you are thinking too much” are not the cure. The mind of Pisces is a twisted yet beautiful place. Because of their ever-flowing emotions, they can feel and imagine like no one else. That’s what gives birth to great ideas.

Pisces is a mutable sign represented by two fish. And they go with the flow. They are able to adapt to different environments because they are flexible and resilient. And it could frustrate them when they have to deal with stubborn people who only see one way to go.
What are your pet peeves?
What’s your zodiac sign, and what makes you angry? Leave your comment down below!