How you talk to yourself matters. Want to release your full potential, find love and joy? These Marisa Peer quotes may be what you need to read.
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Life isn’t always easy. There will be ups and downs and struggles and obstacles. But the most difficult challenge often comes from within.
In fact, sometimes, you may be the one standing in your own way. Thinking you don’t deserve good things may make you shy away from opportunities and love. Telling yourself that you are stupid, not worthy will stop you from learning and releasing your potential. These voices might not seem to matter. But when you repeat them in your head for days, months, or even years, they settle in and become a reality.
Marisa Peer is a leading hypnosis therapist. With clients like CEOs, celebrities, and world-class athletes, she developed a system that can help to eliminate these negative beliefs. In her own words, when you create a blueprint in your mind, your mind does its best to make it happen. And these inspiring Marisa Peer quotes will help you construct your blueprint and welcome abundance in your life.
Who is Marisa Peer?
Marisa Peer is a leading British therapist and a best-selling author. She created RTT, short for Rapid Transformational Therapy. It’s a system that integrates multiple systems like hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and neuroscience. Her clients include top-notch CEOs, Olympians, celebrities, and also therapists worldwide.
I first learned about Marisa Peer through her Ted Talk about pushing limitations. In the speech, she mentioned four steps that will help to rewire the brain and go beyond limits. That talk was short and helpful. And I went on to join her RTT program on MindValley. A month of studying the system in depth helped me to heal my childhood trauma and gave me the faith I needed to take my life to the next level. You can read my RTT program review here.
These Marisa Peer quotes will give you a glimpse of how beliefs can change your life. And to transform a belief system, repetition is key. So scroll on. And note down the ones that are helpful to you. Save them as a lock screen or stick it to your mood board for even better results.
Marisa Peer quotes to unleash your potential
Words you hear shape you, but the most important words you’ll ever hear in your entire life are the words you say to yourself.
The more you give away, the more you get back. And the more you have to give away.
Some people don’t want to be rich because they tie wealth to greed. And others find it hard to invest in themselves because they fear that the money will never come back once it is spent.
This quote from Marissa Peer’s RTT program suggests differently. It highlights a healthy give-and-take balance. When you create a flow of money and abundance, you and those you care about will benefit from it.
When you have a brilliant brain, here are your choices – rationalize why things are bad or talk yourself out of it.
You grow in the areas where you dedicate your time and attention. If you dwell on your frustrations, your mind will stop believing that you deserve better things.
But when you focus on the bright side and try to make the situation better, your mind follows your instruction. It starts to do its best to develop a plan and motivate you to take action. And it’s the action that makes you better, not the thinking.
So be cautious about how you direct your energy and attention and make sure that it goes to somewhere that will benefit you long-term.
Your mind responds to pictures you make in your head and words you say to yourself.
The only way you can fail is failing to try. And if you try, you fail, you learn something.
Right behind the person who says no is someone who says yes. When people say no, it’s just a delay for the next person that says yes.
The fear of rejection keeps you from opportunities, meaningful relationships, and success. This Marisa Peer quote tells you why rejection is not so terrifying.
When you don’t fear people saying no to you, you will open new doors and build new connections. How amazing is that?
You can only feel bad about yourself if you agree with them.
Criticism is something you have to deal with all your life. Some of them are constructive and come from good hearts. But some are destructive and are meant to bring you down.
When you hear hurtful words, you have two choices. You can either believe them and let those hateful comments diminish your value. Or you can choose to disagree with them.
This Marisa Peer quote reminds us that though we cannot choose what others say to us, we can choose not to let it affect us.
People who destructively criticize you don’t like themselves.
Haters are going to hate. Let them be your motivators, not something that stops you from going forward.
People who feel inferior need you to feel inferior too. And then they feel equal.
When you hear someone say things bad about you or spread rumors about you, it’s natural to wonder what you have done to deserve that.
This quote from Marisa Peer explains the psychology of haters. Sometimes hatred is insecurity in disguise. And it’s not your job to fix the insecurities or reason with them. All you need to do is walk away with your head held high because they don’t deserve your time.
Destructive criticism is like playing tennis. If one person doesn’t volley back, the game is over.
You don’t have to react to every comment or situation. Sometimes you ignore it not because you fear confrontation but because you have better things to do. Pick your battles wisely.
To be happy, you have to make peace with your past, love the present, and feel so excited about the future.
You only need to be good at one thing. If you can find your gift and celebrate it, your life is going to be amazing.
We’re living in a culture that celebrates perfection. That gives us an illusion that we have to be perfect at everything. But that’s just far from the truth.
Think about a friend that you adore. Do you love them because they are perfect? I guess not. You love them because of their personalities, qualities, or the special connection between you. Would you ask them to be good at everything?
The same truth applies to yourself. You don’t need to be perfect to be accepted or loved. What you need to do is to find the one thing that makes you special and authentic. Let this sparkle shine through your skin, and the world will see your glow.
If your life is like a clock, your childhood is the first 10 minutes. Would you make the rest 50 minutes suffer because of the first 10 minutes?
For me, this is one of the most inspiring Marisa Peer quotes. As someone who grew up in a single-parent family, this quote gives me the power to face my childhood traumas. It reminds me that though I can’t change my past, I can choose my future.
If you don’t forgive yourself, your mind becomes a judge, a jury, and a jailor.
Don’t be the one that builds your own prison.
Belief without talent can take you further than talent without belief. But when you have both, you’re unstoppable.
Hurt is like gas. Always better out than in. It hurts more when you let it in.
When you bury your emotion, it becomes more and more powerful. The moment you address it, you start to get better. You can do so by talking with someone else or writing it down in your journal. Offload the weight, so you don’t need to carry it around.
Everybody makes mistakes. The moment you say “I will not do this again,” you are forgiven.
You are not your past. Your mistakes don’t define you. This quote from Marisa Peer shows you how to forgive yourself and move on.
If you have been waiting all your life for someone to tell you that you’re amazing, you do it.
The best approval comes from within. When you tell yourself you are enough, you are loved, you reclaim the power that lasts for a lifetime.
You can only love another person to the degree you love yourself.
You can’t pour from an empty cup. When you carry a lack of self-love, it’s hard to give any more love to someone else. Like when you are suffocating, it’s impossible to provide air for others. So love yourself. When you do, you will be able to love others better.
We like people that are a little bit flawed, a little bit vulnerable, because it allows us to be a little bit flawed, a little bit vulnerable.
Vulnerability doesn’t equal weakness. Quite the opposite, showing your vulnerabilities requires great courage. And it’s the small imperfections that make you relatable, make you human. So stop trying to be perfect and love your flaws.
The only risk in life is not taking the risk; not taking risks is the biggest gamble.
Every risk equals an opportunity. Not just an opportunity to be rich, to be successful, but also a chance to learn. When you shy away from challenges, you also miss the chance to grow as a person. So trust your potential, and say yes to adventures.
When someone gives you a compliment, let it in. Say thank you. Don’t reject it.
Your past is not you.
Your bank account is not you.
Your body is not you.
Your weight is not you.
Your age is not you.
Your job is not you.
Sometimes it’s easy to attach your value to the visible numbers: the likes you get on social media, the number in your bank account, or the one on your scale.
But you are so much more than those digits. You are also your personality, your qualities, your attitude, and your kindness. Don’t ever diminish your value and put yourself in a box.
Here is how to express yourself: forgive, let go, move on, have high self-esteem, and BE HAPPY.
Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we have been waiting for; we are the change that we seek.
Be the change you want to see. If you can’t change what’s around you, start by changing what’s within you. You will be amazed how things fall into place when you have the right mindset.
Don’t wait for success to come to you; you must go to it.
Which of these Marisa Peer quotes resonate with you?
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